Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Little Midnight Shopping Spree

I enjoy so many things! I love to scrapbook and I love to shop! Not just shop shop, but to shop for nice quality things at a very discounted price. As far as clothing for myself or my boys or husband it is rare that I didn't get it at a huge discount. Shopping in the mall I'd pass by Cache but would think the prices were way out of my budget, well one day Carson and I wandered in there and found the sale rack. Once I try on a few things I find out what my size is in that store and then I start looking for on line deals. I like their quality and got these items for good deals just tonight with an additional 25% off!

Cute Little Tunic perfect with leggings- I love leggings!
Scrunched Tops in Black and Pink
And Last but not Least, a new scarf to add to my collection. I reframed from buying scarfs for so long until a friend gave me a scarf tying lesson.
All 4 Items Shipped to me for $103 total!! The Tunic alone was originally priced for $98.00. I have a couple of other Cache Scarves ( purchased on extreme sale) and really love them!
Happy SALE Shopping!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Choo Choo Carson's Two !


Carson's Party was held out our home on a Friday night. When you love party planning, its even better when you are planning for little kids who really could care less about what the theme is. For his first birthday the theme was "Winter ONEderland" I went overboard (even ordered and made SNOW)!! Since we had plans to go out of town I promised Bryan I would try to contain myself for this one. I got the idea from another blog that I follow here. At the bottom of her post contains the info for the printable that was purchased on Etsy. I loved the Choo Choo Theme and loved the ideas and colors that were used. We served Chili and had some homemade snacks and goodies.


For the youngest 5 children, I made actual goody bags
Adults and older kids could grab some packs of gum.
(get it Chew Chew or Choo Choo)

The Choo Choo Snack Train


Little Train Conductors
Eating one of mommy's cake pops!

                                                           Yum Cake!

Our make shift photo booth:)

Ha! Carson wiggled and his glasses ended up on his head!
Landon and his friend helped make our little photo booth.

Carson enjoyed opening up his gifts like a big boy!
Carson and Papa P

Everyone had a great little time at Carson's Choo Choo Party! Carson is such a blessing to our family! Happy 2nd Birthday Carson!!



Saturday, January 18, 2014

Carson's First Haircut

This little guy made it 2 years exactly without a snip of hair being cut. Bryan said it was time. His birthday was the 16th and I had his 2 year birthday portraits done the day before. Here is the last photos of his darling baby locks.

Photography by Ashley Stone........I think my little Carson looks like a little lady here. The back section of his hair (when you would straighten curls)would go past the bottom of his neck
Carson hops up in the chair- goodness look at that hair

He was perfect, sat still as a little mouse.

Good Bye Baby Curls
As his hair was being cut I thought the older boys were going to start crying. They are so overly protective of him!!

Who is that handsome man in the mirror?
And here he is......My two year old little man! He got his lolly pop for being a good boy and now we are off to chick Fillet to celebrate his actual birthday.
Now that Landon is taller than mom, he could not fit in the play area, so Peyton had to take Carson up......Carson loved it!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snap Shots of the Holiday Season

Thanksgiving 2013
 Thanksgiving is always very emotional for me is November 24th was my mom's birthday and we always celebrated both her birthday and Thanksgiving. It's just Bryan, I and the boys hanging out during the day......instead of cooking we decided to go the  local cafeteria. We think its a great deal we all get exactly what we want to eat. Landon had just had a minor mouth procedure the day before so he had a hard time smiling for photos and enjoying his dinner.


Other Holiday Fun and Highlights of the 2013 Holiday Season

Decorating........and Redecorating our Tree...... (Thanks little Carson)


Disney on Ice
This is normally just a thing that me and the big boys do together if its anything but a Disney Princess Show. This year Carson and Dad tagged along.

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Squeezing in Daddy's Birthday

SANTA on 3 different occasions.....3rd time the Charm!

First unhappy!

2nd Visit....Brunch with Santa

Night Before Christmas......By the 3rd visit Santa was not so bad.



Live Nativity.......seeing and knowing what Christmas is all about


Christmas Eve....Snuggling and Watching "A Christmas Story"

Helping mom in the kitchen

Ginger Bread Creations and Silly Boys!

Excitement and Surprises

Wishes for a most blessed 2014

Happy New Years!